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Firm Offer For Sales Agreement Acceptance Specifications (Type 3)


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

I, [Name of sender], of [Address of sender], [City of sender], [State of sender], am making the following firm offer which I assure will be held open for your acceptance from [First Date of Acceptance] until [Last Date of Acceptance].

The subject of this offer, and the conditions under which this offer is made, are as follows: [Terms and conditions]

1. Description of goods: [Description of goods].

2. Quantity: [Quantity].

3. Price terms: [Price terms].

4. Credit terms: [Credit terms].

5. Delivery terms: [Delivery terms].

6. Other terms and conditions: [Other terms and conditions].

The offer shall not lapse until [Last date of offer], and shall become revocable if your acceptance is not received in writing on or before such date.

Dated: [Date of this letter]
